Reply:Go to a supermarket that has a floral department or flower shop and ask for silk flower spray. It is a spray that absolves the dust and dirt from synthetic flowers.
Reply:I spray a moderate amount of Febreeze on the leaves. Depending on how much build up there is, should be no need to wipe them off.
Reply:rub them with soapy water and then rinse
Reply:they sell stuff in stores for it i forget what its called but u can find it at wal mart on the same isle as u do the fake flowers...and its cheap
Reply:what i do is i take a damp cloth and go over them, and then i take artifical flower spray and spray the flowers which gives them a great shine, you can buy this at garden ridge, walmart, or any convient store.
Reply:If they aren't too big, or you don't have too many put them in the shower %26amp; turn it on for a bit. I have two imitation trees on my front
porch. I just turn the hose on them.
Reply:wash them off with your garden hose.(if you have one)
Reply:I put all of mine in the shower and give them a good rinse and set out in the sun to dry, or rinse in the kitchen sink if they will fit, if they are in wicker baskets do the baskets and all. If it is a solid container just empty the water out while hanging on to the arrangements and empty excess water out of the container.
Reply:The key to cleaning silk plants is to put about one cup of table salt in a large grocery paper bag. Put your silk plant inside the paper bag, roll the top down a couple of times and then shake the bag. The salt will remove the dust from the leaves of the plants. Just shake the plant a little as you take it out of the paper bag to make sure all the salt is off the silk plant. You can then store the salt in the paper bag for future use of cleaning silk plants. another good solution is to mix rubbing alcohol. 50/50 with water and spray until the dust starts to run off the plants. It will dry quickly and cleans like a dream. I have used this for may years.
Reply:if they are fake, the best trick i know is to put them in a larg bag and pour salt over them, shake very well, but be gentle so as not to damage them, if you dont believe it cleaned them dissolve the salt afterwords
Reply:You can either vacuum them or spray them with compressed air or use those swiffer duster things (they really do work).
Reply:I was told to place them in a bag of Salt and shake them but I use a spray I bought from the hobby shop made for cleaning fake silk flowers. Just spray, no wiping. Works great too!
For plastics I spray them with Fantastic real good then put them in my shower and rinse. Works good too!
Reply:I use swiffer dry clothes
They pick up all the dust and don't ruin the plant
Reply:I take mine to a car wash and use the rinse cycle. Then let them stand in the sun until they dry.
Reply:I've washed mine in water before, but not sure what works best; however, I also think there is a spray you can get, too.
Reply:You can put them in a bag with some rice and shake them.
Gets most of the dust and fluff off them without damaging them. If they are white, try rubbing some talc over the mark too! If the plant is too big to put in a bag, use your blow dryer to blow the dust off. I have also used an old blush brush to get into some of the tighter spots that need detailed.
Reply:I take mine outside and hose them down. Shake them out and allow to dry. It's quick and easy for most artifical plants and flowers.
Reply:dust them off with a dust featheracting resources
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