Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cut flowers and potted plants suck the oxygen from sickrooms!?

No, Plants use the CO2 that humans breathe out, plus sunlight, to make O2. That's what they "breathe out." So they contribute to oxygen in sickrooms. Which is nice, right?
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersGo to any time anyone sends you an email with a warning in it. Most of them are just hoaxes and chain letters. Don't fall for everything your friends tell you! :)

Snopes is a great site for finding the truth behind urban legends.

If you don't give me 10 points for the best answer flying monkeys will come and forward your question to all of the people on your email list and they will think you're easily duped for believing something like this. :)
Reply:Go back to school. Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and emit Oxygen. So the plants will not suck all the oxygen from the room and sufficate them.
Reply:nope. Plants live on CO2. They exhale oxygen.
Reply:you allready asked this question
Reply:No. Where did you hear that?

(Nevermind, I don't want to know...)
Reply:plants clean the air there good 2 have in ur house.
Reply:I'd always learned that Potted plants give off oxygen, not steal it.books authors

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