1) First, do not feed iguanas. Feeding only encourages animals to stay.
2) Try to make your property less iguana-friendly by planting landscaping that iguanas will not eat (such as citrus, crotons, or any tough, thick leaved plant). Restricting sources of food is particularly effective during the cooler months since these cold-blooded animals need more food for energy.
3) Plants can be protected using chicken wire.
4) To discourage iguanas from climbing in trees, wrap thin sheets of metal, such as aluminum flashing, around the base of trees. Iguanas can jump; make sure the metal is high enough off the ground to keep them from jumping above the barrier.
5) Sheets of clear plexiglass can be used to prevent iguanas from climbing on screen enclosures.
Garlic-based Iguana Repellent
ARFF has heard from several people who have had success with a spray mixture that deters iguanas from eating plants.
•Take 10 peeled garlic cloves, two cups of water, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and place into a blender (some people also add hot peppers).
•Blend until it is a fine liquid mixture.
•Transfer the mixture into a clean spray mist bottle.
•Spray generously on plants once a week, or more frequently if it rains.
Reply:if u just make wall taller it would be better
Reply:Dang, lucky you if you live somewhere where the iguana's are wild ...I would love fence will keep an inguana away...if there are any trees or tall bushes near by, they climb, jump %26amp; dig quite well.. iguana's are great bug control - like roaches, etc, am not sure what you plant...but there's not much an iguana won't eat vege or fruit...might be easier to cage your garden with chicken wire %26amp; wire roof or stand some corrugated metal up around the garden which would be too slippery for them to climb, but it's pretty ugly..LOL then to keep the igunan's out... but like I said if there's bushes %26amp; trees near by, they will climb %26amp; jump !! Good Luck %26amp; Take Care :)makeup tips
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