If its dead stuff you want to get rid of, till and re-seed with grass.
Reply:to dig it all up make sure you get the whole thing u dont want to kill it with some kind of weed killer or anything like that cuz thats putting chemical into the ground thats all i can think of
Reply:1st of all - Why?!?
2nd - I was trying to get rid of poison ivy and used a weed killer too concentrated and just about killed my whole yard. Ortho Brush b Gone Weed killer @ Home Depot. Otherwise I would dig them up from the roots, till the yard and put down weed killer. Check w/ your local landscape business for filler rocks.
Reply:Well I dont know if you mean all living plants or not, but probably the best way is cut them all down and spray or burn them. If it is just weedy plants like kudzu or tree-of-heaven it may be a little harder. Chemical as well as physical controls works ok on them, but it is hard work, and may take several years to achieve your goal
Reply:Some of the answers I have seen are good but if you just want to get rid of the plants and you are not going to grow anything in their place for at least a year, try a defoliater. They are available at your local hardware store. You simply spray it on and wait a day or two, before removing the offending plants. I am NOT talking about a simple weed-killer like roundup. This product WILL kill ANY plant or tree and will prevent ANY growth for about a
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