Lastly, any spring flowering bulbs MUST be planted in the fall. They need to overwinter in order to bloom the following Spring, which means they have to be exposed to a good frost or all you're going to get is leaves next year. If you don't get any hard frosts in your area, you need to refrigerate the bulbs for a couple of week before planting. If this is necessary, make sure you don't refrigerate them in the same area as any fresh fruits or vegetables. The gas produced by the fruit will kill the flower buds.
Happy gardening!
Reply:I know you can plant bulbs in the fall, don't know about flowers.
Reply:there are some flowers you can plant in the fall, but I know of any.
Reply:Pansies %26amp; Mums...
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Reply:There are flowers that you can plant in the fall. More than likely they will die before summer comes because it will get to hot for them.
Reply:Bulbs make a nice start for
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