Monday, April 20, 2009

Why do some of my tomato plants suffer from flowers that fall off at the stem?

Otherwise the plants seem to be very healthy, and I may have tomatoes developing on the same plan that has empty stems.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersIt is not uncommn for some of the first blooms to drop off of tomato plants. However, if it continues you should pay a visit to your local Nursery (or Wal-mart) and get a bottle of blossom set. It is in a small spray bottle and you need to squirt it right on the blossoms. Usually by doing this a couple of times the problem is solved for the season.
Reply:That%26#039;s ok. That is where the tomato will grow.
Reply:you might need to water it more. it sounds stressed.
Reply:the flower is were the tomatoes grow from

have a look you%26#039;ll see a tiny green ball(s)
Reply:might have two much growth and the plant can%26#039;t keep supplying food to all the stems. Might be an idea to prune a few stems out.
Reply:Mine were doing that at first. I read that the blossoms were probably not being pollinated. Try shaking your plants gently in the early morning. I got tomatoes soon after I did that.make up

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