Reply:Roses,orchids %26amp; jasmine are my favourite.I really love the smell of the flowers and 3 times a week I will pluck some from the garden for my bath.The beautiful smell sure made me feel so good and relaxed.
Reply:Freesias and Lilac.
Reply:i love lavender, carnation and jasmine!
Reply:Lily of the valley and lilacs- in the spring I stick my head out the window when I drive by a lilac bush and breath it in!
Reply:Night Jasmin or Moon flower are wonder full. I also love lilacs and lily of the valley, They all smell so pretty.
Reply:Freesia%26#039;s, love the perfume from them and they remind me of my mom.
Reply:Marijuana. I like rolling it
Reply:night jasmine and magnolia..........
Reply:Freesias for indoors, but I love the smell of honeysuckle on a warm summers evening in the garden.
Reply:I love gardenias and roses.
Reply:My no. 1 favorite fragrance is that of roses. Secondly, I%26#039;d pick lily of the valley. Third, carnations. I also love the scent of patchouli, but I don%26#039;t know whether it%26#039;s a plant or derivative of a plant. I only know I love the scent. Coming in as honorable mention is lemon rind.
Reply:orchids, magnolias, gardenias, sunflowers, honeysuckle, wisteria, daffodils
Reply:carnations, mmmmmmm
Reply:Stargazer Lillies
Reply:Lavender (all time favourite!), also honeysuckle, jasmine, stocks, nicotiana (tobacco plant) - oh so many!
Reply:Honeysuckle - but it has to be a slightly warm, damp morning
Reply:From the Orchidaceous , And Any Roses
Reply:Smelly? I love the way peonies %26amp; lilacs smell, but it is hard to beat a wonderful rose...........
Reply:mint leaves have a weird smell,but I like it...%26amp; orchids
Reply:I love the smell of roses
Reply:Anything that doesn%26#039;t make me sneeze. I%26#039;m allergic to most plants and flowers. I do like the smell of plumeria though. It%26#039;s almost impossible to find though except for in lotions or shower gels.
Reply:I love the smell of Aloe Vera.
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