why cant all HARDSHIP have rewarding OUTCOME?
It is the law of Nature which finds us with flowerless plants and unchangeable caterpillars and it is life%26#039;s philosophy to experience hardship with different outcomes. We are here to live life and be as good a person as we can be; hardship is a part of life which we should be facing....with a smile! You can make your hardship%26#039;s outcome rewarding if you want!! :-) If you come to meet with hardship and you break down then pick yourself up again, be strong and get through your bad time. Then, when you%26#039;ll reach the end of the tunnel and you%26#039;ll see light again the pride you%26#039;ll have for such a great fight and coming out victorious shall be reward enough!! Out of every hardship there is challenge to be faced and a lesson to be learnt and the reward you%26#039;ll always be getting is actually knowledge! Knowledge is priceless; so for me all hardship has a rewarding outcome and if you see it my way, you%26#039;ll find life very rewarding!! (Although I would advise everyone to live life without any expectations of any sort of reward...) !!! :-))))))))) Put a smiley face on plz....sad face doesn%26#039;t suit you!! :-)
Thank you :-)
Reply:It%26#039;s about survival. To survive we have to grow %26amp; flourish, to be strong %26amp; overcome any obstacles necessary to continue to live, but some creatures don%26#039;t. They succumb, they are too weak to grow and so they don%26#039;t thrive but stagnate and eventually perish. It is the same with flowers and caterpillars and human beings. Survival is a choice we either make or don%26#039;t. We may be faced with dangers from outside forces. We may encounter disease but if we are determined to survive we can beat anything. Never ever give up...Hope is the greatest survival tool we have.
Reply:it is the mattersof Allah Almighty , the creator
some harships are come into our lives only to make us bold and some are the results of our bad deeds.
Reply:Some plants can not be Flowers because some are intended for Greenery alone, and some caterpillars, are different species who are born to be just that caterpillars. I do think that some Hardships do, have a rewarding outcome, all it takes is to have faith, and it will be done.
Reply:Most plants bear some sort of re-generation. They may not be called flowers, but they do.
Caterpillars that don%26#039;t become butterflies, become other things like moths, but mostly they are eaten by other creatures, like birds.
Hardships are like everything else in the world, somethings just don%26#039;t happen that way, and that is sometimes the lesson of this life. Sad, lonely but true.
Reply:Because if everything resulted in something spectacular then we would lose capability to see the smaller things that are even more beautiful.
Reply:I believe they do. Life is always in sync with itself. There is a balance and if you search you will find it. Everything has an opposite.
sometimes purposes are very well hidden but behind the veil of tears lives joy.
Reply:its because that%26#039;s what is unique about them, those plants which cannot bear flowers, they make lovely indoor plants with beautiful and colourful leaves...those caterpillars which cannot be butterflies have their own individuality and importance....they die to let the lucky ones become butterflies...some become moths who help in production of silk...they fly during the night, taking the place of the proud butterflies which fly only in the morning...
everything has its own importance...its just that we are used to looking at the most beautiful result of a process and we think that it is the best....and that%26#039;s not true....
regarding Hardships...i may not be correct...but overcoming a hardship is itself a reward...a happy ending can be a better outcome...but its not the best...
Reply:Sometimes we need to let go of efforts which do not
yield proper reward. Effort deserves reward, and
effort is best placed when it is rewarded. The reward
is an indicator of the worth of the effort. People who
expect effort should be prepared to reward.
Plants and caterpillars need company as do flowers
and butterflies. Choosing to be solely in the company of
one or the other is a futile endeavor; life is a balancing
of the nature between planting and flying.www.poetry.com
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