Monday, April 20, 2009

What do you put on flowers and plants to keep slugs off of them?

beer in shallow containers (tuna can) works. They can%26#039;t resist, crawl in, and drown happily (?) Copper creates little sluggie shocks...they hate it and run for beer. All silliness aside these work for me. Egg shells work too like the brilliant helper people said.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersSpray them with a water and soap solution. That usually keeps slugs off of them.
Reply:there is a pesticide specifically for snails. you can use it for slugs as well. it is usually available in farm supplies stores.
Reply:slug pellets round the base of the plants.

a bowl of beer. Apparently they%26#039;re attracted to it and die.

some use clear plastic bottles filled with water dotted about the ground. I%26#039;ve heard they see their reflection enlarged and leg it. (Not too sure about that one!)
Reply:I use Slugo and Correys snai/slug bait around my flowering shrubs and beds. I%26#039;ve tried just about every home remedy, from beer, to eggshells, to copper strips to no avail. Any of the methods that involve a food source, becomes the all you can eat buffet for rats and mice. They actually love beer and especially love to belly up to the bar after its been sitting for a day or so, filled with slugs and snails.

I only use the formulation that is safe for pets and wildlife, however. I have dogs that would mistake the bait for treats or food and most of the commercially prepared products would kill them.
Reply:i think someoine told me once beer works...put it in little cups around the plants
Reply:Pasbst blue ribbon beer or amonia they both stink but it should help..I know it helped mine.
Reply:Egg shells...they hate them.

Just break up the empty egg shells and sprinkle around.
Reply:my dish water
Reply:salt around the bases of the plants they or ants will not cross or deathReebok

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