Monday, April 20, 2009

How does nature duplicate flowers and plants on areas such as tropical islands or recent volcanic islands?

i don%26#039;t think that you can duplicate flowers or plant life unless in a lab. Although mother nature has a crazy way of making things look the same the actual genetic make up is different. Just like humans, plants have a DNA strand that is unique to that plant. Another plant may be of the same species but, the genetic make-up and density of fibers differs from that of another plant. Just like anything else growth determines differences. Depending on environment, food , stress, interaction, or the lack there of will have a tremendous impact on the way something thrives. Hope i was some help.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy FlowersI don%26#039;t know what you mean by %26#039;dubplicate flowers.%26#039; Usually seeds catch on the wind and are blown there(hurricanes or very strong storms). They can float in water and travel that way. Birds can eat on the mainland area and go to the island and take a poop and release the seeds. Humans can visit and throw out trash containing plant matter. Coconuts have been known to float thousands of miles before landing somewhere and taking root.
Reply:Seeds were brought by wind, birds and sea turtles.
Reply:Are you talking about succesion??make up

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