Reply:yes, that is why they call them annuals.
Reply:That is why they call it a annual except there are a few exceptions like snapdragons they will come up for a few years and they are a annual. There are also a few plants that will come up because as these plants died there flowers fell into the dirt and the seeds from there flowers create new plants like marigolds,pansys,alysum,calendula,zinna%26#039;... and a few others there are some perrennials that do this to-that is what I am doing is taking the seeds from my marigolds and putting them in pots now to make new plants for this year.
Reply:Only if you want the same type of plants again. You should watch them though, some annuals will come back if they enjoy their microclimate. There%26#039;s no telling---Good luck
Reply:Yes. If you want plants/flowers that will return each year, you want perennials.
Reply:As a rule, YES but some soil is so productive that in some locations they will reproduce. My uncles garden was very productive that way - he lived by a river but where i live i NEVER could regrow an annual. I live in the northeast. bettyk
Reply:yes, annuals don%26#039;t come back every year. I did bring some impatiens inside in pots one year and pinched and rooted them all winter and had a nice bunch to start planting.
Reply:It depends. Depending upon your location (Zone), the species of annual, soil conditions, weather the previous winter, and whether or not it produces viable seeds help determine whether or not you need to replace your annual. Some species like pansies or petunias will survive for several years if it doesn%26#039;t get too cold. Species like morning glories tend to produce viable seeds and so take care of re-seeding themselves.puppy teeth
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