Reply:My sister puts them in her pots on her front porch. She does not have time to care for live flowers. She does change them often and many people have mistaken her artificial flowers for real. I would rather see a good artificial than a dead real plant!
Reply:My mother did that. She put them into her potted folliage plants too. She was careful to use flowers that looked as if they might belong there. My friend has them in her flower beds too, to match the seasons. Quite effective, if you choose the right ones, you know, the ones that look as if they could have grown there.
Reply:I would, but it%26#039;s not tacky enough.
Reply:I do occationally.You see I have this orchid grown on the tree trunk like a parasite and I managed to buy the same flower made of cloth they look so real.During festive season I%26#039;ll decorate the orchid with the fake flower.Nobody knows so far.Of course I %26#039;d remove them soon enough so the colours don%26#039;t fade .
Reply:The best I have seen is a yard with the plastic flowers, Along with the totally hideous plastic bunnies, rabbits, birds and more! I laugh every time I see it.
Reply:My mom lives in snow country. Things start to flower then a freeze hits and they all die. One year this happened about 5 or 6 times before summer finally kicked in and put a stop to it. She got so frustrated planting bulbs and flowers over and over again just to watch them die each time. Around mid-June that year she found some very realistic looking silk/plastic rose bushes with flowers in various stages of bloom for a reasonable price. She bought a few %26amp; placed them between the evergreen bushes in such a way that they look like they grew there and you have to feel them to know differently.
I%26#039;m a horticulturalist and though that made good sense, it still just seems wrong.
Reply:my neighbor and she leaves them out in the winter you see their little heads poking out in the snow
Reply:I don%26#039;t do plastic but I do silks. If people think it%26#039;s tacky, oh well. I like it. I have flowers for every season. I set them out around my mailbox and I also use them to accent seasonal displays.
Reply:there called plastiflora decorum, or for people that cant grow nice plants or dont have the time , at first I thought how ugly but nothing in the yard would be uglyier
Reply:Saw a brand new home and ALL the landscaping was plastic/ silk...$350,000 home too !
Made mw just want to ask WHY ??????????????
Reply:LOL, no i havnt, must be real lazy though
Personally, I think there%26#039;s better ways to create low-maintenance, water-efficient landscapes. That%26#039;s funny. :)
Reply:I do and no one ever knew until I said they were fake. I have a wheel barrow with fake flowers, my fence is covered with fake vines. Hey for busy people who don%26#039;t have time to landscape and care for plants it helps. I perfer fake plants then an ugly yard.
Reply:I wish I didn%26#039;t, but I do. a woman in my neighbourhood plants plastic flowers under her trees, which is bad enough, but she doesn%26#039;t change them seasonally, nor does she replace them when they%26#039;ve bleached out. It%26#039;s about as sad as those people who leave their Xmas wreaths up until Easter!
Reply:LOL My grandmother does. She doesnt get around very well and now she can enjoy her hanging baskets all year round. They do however, look pretty funny when they are still in %26quot;bloom%26quot; with a foot of snow on the ground.
Reply:I live in a very... VERY... tropical country... and one year, in January, some neighbors took their Christmas tree (almost dead, of course) and PLANT it in the backyard... and every morning they put ice cubes in the soil... so sad.
Reply:Yes. And then I have a neighbor who has fake ferns on their porch. They have turned that weird color green that old plastic gets. Funny thing is the neighbors think they are the most stylish people in the %26#039;hood.
Reply:omg - im so embarrassed to say that when i last went to visit my parents, they had some fake flowers in a window box and in the ground by their patio... i could not stop laughing at them
Reply:YES! My sister does! I just laughed %26amp; laughed %26amp; laughed! till she said %26quot;You wouldnt belive how many people that tell me how pretty my flowers always are%26quot;! she lives off the road about a 100 yards! But I can spot them a mile off! I THOUGHT IT WAS SO CRAZY OF HER TO DO THAT! BUT I GUESS ITS EVEN CRAZIER FOR PEOPLE TO TELL YOU HOW GOOD YOUR FLOWERS ALWAYS LOOK
Reply:Yes. It doesn%26#039;t look half bad if it is done right and changed when the time is correct. But when they leave the same ones out for the whole season, that is when I disagree with it, as well as when they fade.Reebok
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