But, another easily grown and pretty flower for hanging baskets is the moss rose, or Portulaca. It comes in colors such as pink, red, yellow, white, and orange. The flowers open during bright sunlight, and close at night. This is very easy to grow and virtually care-free, other than regular watering.
Another plant that grows well in hanging baskets are begonias. Another plant that is pretty and easy to care for.
My neighbor grows Impatiens on her porch in hanging baskets, but, personally, I have difficulty with them.
Good luck!
Reply:The others said petunias but make sure it is %26quot;super-tunias%26quot;. They do not need to be dead headed and bloom profusely when watered correctly.
Reply:Petunias....pretty and they love the Sun. They also grow rapidly. Just make sure you water at least every other day. They are thirsty little dinkens and with the Sun sucking up the water, they need it.
Reply:In my experience with gardening I found that petunias are the best full sun plants in hanging baskets. As with any plant in full sun, water them in the early morning and after the sun goes down, or they will wilt and die. I just started a Yahoo! Group called Gardening Finatics if you would like to join. Go to yahoo groups and click on Gardening Finatics. Click the link below or if that doesn%26#039;t work you can copy and paste this link to your browser.
Reply:Full sun baskets do well if you pack them with flowers. You can use any mix of annuals and they should do well. Also try lantana.It is a very carefree plant and will trail nice. Also sweet potato vine is great. DO NOT PLANT IN GROUND!! it is very invasive and took over my back yard but it is really nice in pots. you can do either the light green or there is a beautiful dark purple one that would mix nice with yellow flowers. good luck!!nanny
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