Also, try a fence around the garden.
Reply:Make a choice:
Dog or flowers?
Reply:Without the question being more specific it is hard to give you the best possible solution. Is he eating the plants? Is he urinating on them? What? If he is eating them and they are in pots, I would suggest running a cut orange, lemon, or lime along the edge of the pot. Most animals don%26#039;t like citrus. You can also try citronella. They absolutely hate that smell and they have even developed bark collars based on the animals dislike. If he is urinating on them (outside) you will need to block his access the the plants. I read that someone suggested bark collars. Please steer clear of this option. Your dog is acting on pure instinct here and doesn%26#039;t necessarily deserve shock treatment. :)
Reply:put a small wire fence up so the dog cannot get at them...
Reply:The Fosters Smith Vet catalog and online has a natural enzyme in tablet form you can give the dog. It reduces the acid and ph in their urine so it won%26#039;t burn plants or the grass. It is non-toxic and doesn%26#039;t hurt the dog. It worked on my Husky who lifted his leg constantly on my beautiful sweet pea bush and almost killed it until I started him on the pills.
Reply:Putting moth balls around these areas usually will keep dog away as they do not like the smell
Reply:get an electric collar and catch him in the act.
Reply:Train pet
Reply:Just get a door fixed in with a lock on and put all your plants in there
Reply:put a few small stones in a drinks can so they rattle then tape over the end so the stones don%26#039;t fall out. every time you catch your dog doing whatever it is he does to kill your plants, throw the can at him so it lands just by his nose. the noise will make your dog learn that plants %26amp; flowers bite but willnot associate you with the punnishment. It worked on my labrador!
Reply:sprinkle pepper on the plants. Dogs dont like pepper and its safe for the plans. You can also go buy some stuff at the store for this.
Reply:depends. how is the dog killing the plants? peeing on them? leash the dog and take it to a different area. digging them up? don%26#039;t leave the dog in the yard unsupervised.
Reply:move your plants to higher ground
Reply:get help from a vetc++
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