Monday, August 3, 2009

Why do we find more than one colured flowers on the same plant as in 4 o clock plants?

It is due to genetical action because all the characters are controlled by genes, therefore the different colour of flower is also control by genes. If in a same plant different colour of genes are located in the same loculie or overlaped with each other than we will find different colour of flower in the same plant.
FlowersBirthday FlowersSympathy Flowersas in a hydrangea the color depends on the acidity of the soil some can be 2 colors depending on where the roots receive their nutrients
Reply:It is depends upon the activities of genes present in the cell.
Reply:Some flowers change color next day and again to another color, following day. So there are flowers, of the first day, second day ,and the third day in different colors.
Reply:because of the vibgyor effect of the sun light
Reply:Its because of the sun shade falls on them
Reply:It is for different colour gene.
Reply:It is the hereditary

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