-I want to plant some shrubs (maybe flowering shrubs) but I want to know I can do this in the fall. If not, what CAN I plant in last summer/early fall?
-What is the difference between Deciduous Shrubs and Evergreen Shrubs?
- Can I plant flowers in late summer/early fall? The kind that come up every year? (I think these are called Perennials?) Any recommendations?
Thanks so much in advance!
Most of us are closing down our gardens for the fall and winter months. Cleaning up the areas. There are still a few things you can plant for next spring. It would be best to go to your local nursery and talk to the owner or a clerk to find out what to plant in your cold mid-west area this time of year.
Print out the following and have fun during the winter:
You are gonna love gardening, don't try to do it all in one year. Get to know where the sun shines the most, and where the shaded areas are. Because you will need flowers for the sun areas, and flowers for the shaded areas.
Since you are a beginner, this year start your garden with plants that you get from a garden center or nursery. They are called bedding plants and come in a six pack. Look for a little tag sticking in the six pact showing directions on how to grow the plants. If the tag is not there, ask for one or buy something else. Directions are VERY important.
Seeds are not always easy to grow. And wildflowers are the hardest so don't be disappointed if they don't show up.
Two good things to do for yourself is to call your local County Extension Service and ask for all the information that they have about gardening in your area. They usually have a packet/kit of things for the home gardener.
And number two would be to pick up a couple of beginner books. You really do need to know about soil, compost, mulch and etc. My sweet hubby and I have always liked the Dummies series, but there are many, many good books to buy, or visit your local library.
To keep from over watering or not watering enough, buy a water analyzer from a nursery or garden center. Be sure to read the directions. This will be one of your best tools.
Send for some free gardening catalogs and get use to the different types of plants, colors, and when to plant. They are filled with good informtion and pictures. And they will keep you company during the long winter months. Here is a list of just a very few. There are hundreds more. You do not have to buy from them:
http://www.jacksonandperkins.com (Roses)
Other catalogs:
http://www.deerbusters.com (all types of animal control)
Container/pots/window boxes needs:
All need holes in the bottem for water drainage,
Potting soil that comes in bags,
Slow release fertilizer for flowers (not for green plants), OR liquid fertilizer that will need to be used more often-read directions,
Water crystals to be mixed into the soil for holding water,
Bedding plants or full grown plants.
Here is an excellent link to check out for color combinations and plants that look good together:
Reply:Go have a long talk with your County Extension Agent. He or she should be in the phone book, and s/he'll tell you what works for your area. I'd be leery of fall planting, unless you get lots of snow in your area -- snow acts like a blanket to protect the new plants from freezing temps.
Deciduous generally means their leaves fall off in the autumn, while evergreens -- stay green all winter.
Some perennials would be OK. Actually, tulips, daffodils, crocus and those kinds of spring bulbs SHOULD be planted in the fall (late next month, I'd say) and they'll give you your first flowers of spring. Peony is another old-fashioned perennial which should be planted in the fall. Pansies, depending on the winter, are great. They'll bloom now, and keep blooming into the spring, if you are lucky.
For now, you can perk up your porch with some potted plants. Some of them can stay in the garage, and be OK next year, too. (Well, depending on how cold your garage gets.) Chrysanthemums, for example. Or those pansies, and even some petunias will survive. So will rosemary.
Good luck, have fun, and start slow! It will take you a little while to decide what you like, and what you want. In the meantime, you can plant with grass, keep it mowed, and dig up the sod a little bit at a time as you decide what you want to do.
You will also have the whole winter to decide which shrubs to put in for the spring! I'd dig some of the holes (at least) right now, so you can get an early start in the spring.
Reply:Wow, so those two answerer's before me have some good pointers on where to begin.
Now, to answer your questions:
Fall is the best time of year for planting. You can find a lot of good deals at the garden center in the fall. But, don't just buy whatever they have... if you know what you're looking for, and can find it on sale, great. But to buy something, just to buy something... not a good idea.
Deciduous shrubs are those that loose their leaves in the winter. Evergreen shrubs retain their foliage. Many evergreens have 'needle' or 'scaled' foliage, but others actually have leaves, like boxwood (Buxus).
Perennials are herbaceous (non-woody) plants that come back 'year after year'. Again, if you can find the plants you want at the end of the year, on sale, great. Don't just buy it because it's there.
I hope that this helps
Good luck-fitness
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