I wasn't sure how to arrange them, so I just spaced them about 6 inches apart all the way down in a row. I did like 6 rows of this pattern and alternated flowers. Was I supposed to plant them in clusters or anything? I just don't want to look silly... people were watching.
Another question- should I water them daily until the roots devlop into the soil? It's been raining at night every day since I planted them, should I keep the soil moist? Thanks!
Reply:If you have that much rain no don't water .You can plant them any way you like they are your flowers.You didn't say what kind they are some look better bunched but they should grow in and look fine.It will be colorful!
Reply:Evenly spaced rows are okay. You can transplant them later if you think a different arrangement will look better. You don't need to water them if it rains every day.
Reply:Plant them any way you like.. it is your garden
Reply:It's no wrong or right way to design a garden.
Formal gardens are like you planted consist of straight rows and geometric patterns and shapes.
Informal is more lose and plants are in clusters and not in a particular pattern like in nature.
Here's a garden site that helps you indentify flowers and plants. Make sure however you plant the taller ones in back and the shorter ones up front. The height is listed on the tag of the plant you got them if it's there. lol Also you can plant more vigourous ones in the back to and ferny,cloudy ones in scattered locations if you like.
Water your garden less as the plants get more rooted to not at all unless you experience a drought. Less than once or twice a week when there is no rain.
Water more if your soil is sandy and rocky and less if it is clay.
Clay soil acts like play dough in you hands it gets soggy fast!
Loam the good crumbly spongy soil needs water moderately.
Late in the season july to frost you shouldn't have water at all.c++
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