(i live up the northern part of new york so i would know. march or first/second week of april is the best time)
Reply:Its best to consult a nursery. All plant grow in different weather and conditions. Make sure you have the proper soil and how much water to give your plants. You must also factor in how much sun the area you are wanting to plant your flower in gets. It's best to consult a nursery because of all the various factors. Good luck!
Reply:Watch the TV weather channel and don't plant until the nights are in the high 60's.....68 to 70 degrees is a nice range. The soil needs to be warm for seeds. Keep them moist until they are about two or three inches tall.
Have your teenager watch the sun and shade areas. They will need shade flowers for the shaded areas, and a different type of flowers for the sun. Flowers for the sun areas need at least 5 to 6 hours of sun.
Perennial flowers come back each year.
Annual flowers are planted each year. Some annuals re-seed themselves. Annuals are bright and cheerful and lighten up dark spots in a garden.
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